Initially I had in my mind that the people of East Timor were calling out for a building that would be representative of an emerging nation. This is still partly true, however, my view on how to achieve that outcome has changed.
I thought it had to be large, have a significant presence, be "iconic", a source of pride for the people who could then welcome others. How arrogant of me to presume such things.
From further discussions with Ian Weir and Yasu, I have become more and more aware for the need to facilitate the needs of the East Timorese NOW. How can I assist in helping them forge their own buildings and satisfy their needs. I much prefer this, I must say, to my initial notion of giving them an entire outcome, based on my assumptions and some sensitivity to the site.
That is why i now have a much stronger interest in bamboo. Moreover, I would like to create a system or series of systems that could be adapted in numerous ways. Rather than having to impose and build everything all at once, the systems could be integrated slowly, sensitively and respectful of the culture.
I wanted to keep some of my ideas for this new process, particularly primary geometry that can be used to generate spaces.
The investigation now will be how to use bamboo!
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